Desk Placement: Position your desk in the "Commanding Position," which means placing it diagonally across from the doorallowing you to have a clear view of the room's entrance. This empowers you with a sense of control and authority in yourwork.
Clutter-Free Space: Keep your office clean, organized, and free from clutter. Clutter can disrupt the flow of positive energy(chi) and hinder productivity. Maintain an uncluttered workspace to promote clarity and focus.
Enhance Wealth Corner: Locate the weath cormer of your office, which is the southeast area, and place symbols ofabundance and prosperity there. It could be a plant, a wealth vase, or a symbol of a successful business, like a financial reportshowing positive numbers.
Natural Light and Air: Allow natural light and fresh air to flow into the office space whenever possible. Good ventilation andample light contribute to a positive and vibrant atmosphere.
Avoid Sharp Corners: f possible, avoid positioning furniture with sharp corers pointing directly at employees, as they maycreate a sense of pressure or discomfort,
Keep Plants: Indoor plants and small water features can help improve the flow of positive energy and create a sense ofvitality in the office.

Apr 24, 2024Yomixu