Chakra and crystal effect correspondence table

Apr 17, 2024Yomixu

Chakra, Sanskrit means wheel or rotation, which means that energy gathers in a certain part of the body and rotates in cycles. The history of chakras can be traced back to 2000 BC, when they were first cited in ancient Indian texts. In 200 BC, descriptions of chakras appeared in the Yoga Sutras.

Ancient Indian yoga believes that the human body has seven energy centers, which appear in the shape of a wheel and run through the back of the body, rotating in cycles to receive and transmit the spirit.

Chakras exist in the body and are the energy centers in charge of physical and mental operations. They can affect the functions of various organs of the body, emotions, and spirit.




There are seven main chakras in the human body. Each chakra has its own special vibration frequency, which affects the person's psychological frequency and state. Different chakras correspond to different colors and crystals, causing each other to mediate balance.


Should crystals be worn on the left hand or right hand?

According to Taoist Qigong, the movement is from the left to the right. Secondly, according to the Indian yoga chakra theory, there is no distinction between left and right hands, and you can wear it according to your own preference.

How to degauss and purify crystal?

1. White crystal clusters can be used to purify and degauss them to restore their energy.

2. It can be placed under the moonlight regularly to allow it to absorb the energy of nature and purify the crystal.

3. Rinse the crystal with running water for 3-5 minutes to demagnetize and purify it.

Natural crystal stones mainly affect the chakras of the human body, thereby affecting various mental and physiological problems. Keeping your chakras balanced contributes to physical and mental health and improves your overall life.


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