

Cleanse your energy field of negativity

It is not just a lifestyle, it is a a whole new perspective


Best Crystals for attracting money & prosperity

Having enough money, wealth, and abundance is something everyone dreams of having. And yet, it eludes so many of us. What you may not realize is your conditioning, based on limiting beliefs around money, may be the very reason your bank account is always empty! One of the ways to shift these negative beliefs is to clear energy blockages with crystals.

Crystals have been used since ancient times for healing and shifting negative thought patterns. With an open mindset, you’ll be empowered to set intentions for attracting abundance and money into your life. Some of the best crystals to attract money can remove mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages, allowing you to feel more receptive towards money and prosperity.

Green Aventurine
Crystals for Attracting Money

Best Crystals for attracting money & prosperity

  •  Tiger’s Eye
  • Carnelian
  • Pyrite
  • Green Aventurine
  • Citrine
  • Green Jade
  • Clear Quartz

Árbol Feng Shui de citrino natural de riqueza y abundancia

Información básica
Ancho: 120mm
Altura: 200 milímetros
Material: cobre
Color del chapado: oro rosa.

Starting from $19.99/night

Tiger’s Eye

One of the most well-known crystals for shifting negative energies, the Tiger’s Eye is a powerful stone for attracting money, success, and prosperity. This crystal comes in all shapes and sizes and is identified by its brown-gold to red coloring with yellow stripes.


Tiger’s Eye keeps you grounded whenever you’re dealing with money, helping you to make the right financial decisions. The crystal protects you and your resources against greed and potential threats from outsiders.

Always keep a Tiger’s Eye in your pocket or handbag whenever you’re shopping or looking to make investments. Its powers will ensure you don’t make hasty, expensive purchases or irrational investment mistakes.



Carnelian is an empowering crystal for increasing your positive thoughts. And, when you have positive beliefs, you’re able to take the right action for manifesting your dreams and goals. Use Carnelian to give you the confidence to attract money. This is one of the best crystals to bring success into your life by ensuring you use your talents and gifts to attract abundance.


Keep a Carnelian stone in your wallet or purse so you can benefit from this abundance crystal.
Make sure it’s always with you when you’re attending meetings and discussing new deals.
Ensure you keep this crystal on your desk at work to keep your confidence levels balanced and strong.


When you’re feeling emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in sync, you’ll be inspired to take on opportunities that’ll increase your flow of money. Financial success is often grounded in taking calculated risks, being confident, and having a self-belief that you’ll succeed.



If you’re looking for a crystal to improve your money situation, Citrine is a good stone to have in your collection.

This crystal’s energy will increase your energetic vibrations, improving your enthusiasm and determination to succeed while empowering you to tap into your inner power. Citrine energy is powerful in shifting negative thoughts and limiting beliefs, giving you clarity of the mind.


With a clearer mind, you’ll be more open to seeing new opportunities while making financial decisions with clarity.
When your energy flows are positive, you’ll be receptive to energies of abundance and prosperity.
Citrine helps you to create a healthier attitude towards money and its role in your life. 

Citrine works well in unblocking your solar plexus chakra, where personal power resides.
When your solar plexus is flowing freely, your sense of self-empowerment will enable you to manifest money successfully.


Green Jade

If one of your limiting beliefs around money is that you don’t deserve abundance and wealth, then you need to get Green Jade. This beautiful green crystal is powerful in shifting negative thought patterns and lack of self-worth around money. It’s often associated with good luck and fortune. Green Jade is also used to unblock stagnant energies around the heart chakra.

Whenever you want to manifest money, be successful in financial deals, and have a goal focused on achieving ultimate wealth, you need to keep Green Jade in your collection of crystals.
This stone will give you the focus you need to attract all the best energies for building and maintaining financial success.

Green Jade releases your doubt around being worthy of abundance so keep this stone close on hand especially when you start to feel anxious about the lack of money. This crystal’s gentle vibrations will soothe your fears, helping you to become grounded so you can attract the abundance you deserve.

Gift Set Green Jade Braclet






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